Why Choose Us ?

It is free to join.
It is the quickest and easiest way to achieve the best price and select the most suitable agency for your type of debt without lengthy tenders and red tape.
It is the safest way to protect your brand whilst your debt is being collected.
Business sectors we work with:
How come there is no charge for joining Metwork?
Metwork has designed this platform with the objective of quickly engaging those with debt with those who can collect it, with a commission structure to build mutually beneficial relationships, with no upfront costs.
Why is it better to use Metwork for protecting my brand and receiving the best offers?

To offer the best services, Metwork limits the number of member debt collection agencies to the best 12 per country. We are a “Trusted Partner” for your business

By limiting the number to 12 exceptional agencies, you benefit because:

Benefits of having my debt collected using Metwork

You have multiple valuable benefits both if you are a Metwork User (debt placer) or a Metwork Member (debt collection agency, or RMA as we call them ). We know that  Metwork is only as good as its RMA members. Its mission is to expose them to the maximum number of worthwhile business opportunities via a secure platform, enabling them to place “bids” to either buy portfolios of “receivables” (debts) or, attempt to collect them on a “commission on collection” basis. Please read the full list of benefits depending on which side of the Metwork family you belong to.


as a Metwork User

as a Metwork Member


I just love how everything is so clearly explained and how easy it is to get in touch with the right professionals.

I’m surprised that joining Metwork is free, considering the fact that you have access to such a user friendly platform and to this extensive network of professionals.


Metwork makes debt work for you